New Long Stay and Mid Week Discounts and Special November Discount Code

The holiday season is just about upon us and with the recent flooding and recent insterest rate rises the area and surrounds has been hit hard with the decline in tourism. With this in mind we would love for people to spend time over the break in the beautiful barrington tops where the rain has promoted some amazing growth and attracted such wonderful wildlife. Rest assured the area is now unaffected by any flooding and is accessible and open.

With this in mind we have introduced 2 new length of stay discounts. From today if you book for 3 days you will receive a 15% discount on the total purchase price. If you book 4 or more days you will receive a 20% discount on the total purchase price.

These discounts will stay in place for the forseeable future.

Further to this we are introducing a special November discount of another 5%. To take advantage of this discount please enter the code NOVFOR05 when Booking your Stay.

Daniel O'Connor